this is the month for type design!
kame design san francisco and we associated oakland present:
a new company for typefaces and thinking inside the box.

november 2000

the typebox announcement website:

our first typefaces are scheduled
to go on sale in april 2001.

the color bands at the top lead to designer biographies.
their width represents the number of typefaces a designer has at typebox:
see previews of the january release.

in the future, the "nav-8" boxes underneath will lead to:

typebox: about us
thinkbox: articles and tips
outbox: what's new
inbox: contact us

fontbox: view all typefaces
shopbox: buy typefaces
standardbox: our quality standards
showbox: submit designs

devilish concoctions awaited us at auerbachs keller in leipzig, germany at ATypI 2000...

read the full report here!