designers hiking
yellow grass and cyan skies
magenta sunburns

aka "hiki-hiki"

kame sign
kame toon
kame type
august 2005

uh, are we sending already?

er, alright.
um, ladies and gentlemen, we are reporting live from "hiki-hiki", as opposed to 'low-key'.

...the entire city is now covered in biomass-based, fermentation-fueled fog froth.

due to an unforeseen accident in san francisco's new biotech business area...

in an era overflowing with utensils, we demand to return to nature...

...and thoroughly tested drinking water.
wait, there's another one still in the bag...

our fearless fog fighters had to find their escape through an unhospitable landscape...

...mysterious, enigmatic, alienating poles.

...a landscape riddled with POLES...

the woods grew thicker, darker, creepier.

desolate desert soon gave way to suspicious shrubbery...

...luring us into treacherous twisted twigs.

a trail of damage and destruction led us on...
...until we finally beheld the arcane ritual site of the ancient pagan cult.

a journey that truly rocked...
...but next time we'll eat first.